Monday, April 21, 2014 0 comments

Heaven is for real - A struggle of faith

Catching a glimpse of Heaven is for real turned out to be a blessing. I invited a friend over to watch the movie with me and scenes on the screen got me teary eyed.

It's a story of a simple family of four (eventually turned five). A mom, who maintains the music ministry in a church, a dad who works as a volunteer firefighter and at the same time a minister at their local church with two beautiful kids.
As a family, they also have their share of trials and that's where adorable Colton comes to the picture.

This time, I won't be doing a review about this movie since I don't want such to turn into a debate of what readers believe in rather, I will point out the most important phrases I've noted while inside the cinema.

At the hospital

During the time that Colton was admitted to the hospital, his father Todd, went to the chapel shouting:

"You made me suffer and I took that. You made my family suffer and I took that. Now you want to take my SON?"
In a scenario such as this, I thought of maybe the father; though he is a minister in the story should know better. He should know the response in certain situation like this.

On the other hand, he may be acting human after all.

At the same time as he was yelling to God, his wife called friends and asked for prayers.
In times of crisis, to whom do you turn to?

With the psychologist

With prayers answered, Colton got well and started talking about heaven. This bought uneasiness to his father Todd and started consulting a psychologist.

Here are three questions we usually need in our daily life.

  1. Is it unusual (for your wife) to call friends and ask for prayer in times of crisis?
  2. Is it unusual for you to pray?
  3. Did you come here today because you were wondering about my faith, or about your own?
The Persecution

I remember a pastor saying:

"When you follow God, prepare to be persecuted.."
This is true. In one scene, after the story has been published in a local newspaper, Todd was coming out of the restaurant and a group of men shouted:
"Next time that there is a fire, can you tell Jesus that instead of walking on water, He could just dump it on the fire?"
A perfect example of walking the Christian faith is telling everybody about Jesus and sharing the word of God. Taking up your cross won't be an easy task but as we go through sharing the Gospel, may we be reminded that God will take care of their hearts.

The Saviour

At the graveyard, Nancy and Todd talks about life, love and death. In this chapter, a phrase catched my attention with Nancy saying:

"You don’t have to save the world, Todd. I believe that’s already been done."
A phrase of belief. A phrase uttered claiming Jesus saved you and me...

Colton's message

I have been watching a recent interview with Colton before they released the movie and he said:

“The problem is we’re too attached to things in this world and they can’t go into heaven. “So when you love Jesus and you decide to follow him, it’s easier to let those things go so you can be in heaven for an eternity.”

Sunday, April 20, 2014 0 comments

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 40: A Heart of PRAISE - PRAISE HIM FOR THE HARVEST

The harvest is God's domain. He is the harvester and He says in His Word that people are ready and hungry to hear about Him, there just aren't enough people to tell them. 

It is our responsibility to do the work preparing the 'ground.' 'My food,' said Jesus, 'is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.' John 4:34-36 (NIV) God is not looking for our ability but more our availability and heart. 

If we seek Him with all our heart, pray, be aware of the Holy Spirit and open to be used - it is amazing what God can achieve in and through us. Every week in our church many people make a decision for Christ. Let's all resist the temptation to 'go through the motions' or become familiar with the miracle of people making a decision for Christ. Press in. Pray. Petition God for people to respond. And let us praise Him for the harvest we see now and the harvest we are yet to see!

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 39: A Heart of PRAISE - PRAISE HIM IN HIS HOUSE

As the church gathers together, His House becomes a place where we can bring our hearts, voice, music and words to sing and give praises to our Heavenly Father. The strength of worship in community is the encouragement it brings to one another in our different seasons of life. 
Our freedom in worship allows others to feel free to worship, creating an atmosphere of sincerity where people can be real with God as they encounter Him through praise. It lifts those silenced by weariness and puts a new song in their mouths. There is an undeniable sense of JOY when the church gathers to worship - a joy not dependant on circumstance, rather a characteristic of being renewed by the Holy Spirit. 
Music enriches our worship. There are anthems sung around the world declaring the greatness of God. Some of these have begun as an expression of our House and have now become a resource that enriches local churches, leading people into the presence of God through praise. Take a look at the praise song beginning in 1 Chronicles 16:8. Read it aloud as you prepare your heart for tomorrow's services. Give Him praise for all He has planned to do.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 38: A Heart of PRAISE - PRAISE HIM IN YOUR SECRET PLACE

Acts 16 is an incredible story of the power of praise and worship. Paul and Silas are in prison for doing the work of the Lord. In the midst of their bleak circumstance, their choice to praise not only brought about their freedom, but salvation to the jailer and his family. 
God does not need our praise and worship. 

We worship Him more for our benefit than His. Bringing praise and worship to God reminds us of His power and authority, and positions us in a place of submission and awe. It diminishes the power of sin and darkness over our lives, and brings attention to who God is and not only to what He can do. 
Whatever your circumstance - praise! Praise in our 'midnight' hour magnifies God for who He is, and not just what He can do. God dwells in the praises of His people, so we can be sure that as we lift His name in worship, He is here! The style and how you express your praise and worship is not as important as the response of the heart behind it.
Saturday, April 19, 2014 0 comments

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 37: A Heart of PRAISE - GIVE THANKS

A heart overflowing with gratitude and thanks results in praise. When we pray and experience God moving and answered prayer, our natural response is praise in gratitude, which in turn creates an opportunity for further prayer to God and praise! Thanksgiving brings glory to God and makes Him known. Yet, even in difficult times, gratitude has power. 

Novelist, theologian and Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis said, 'We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is 'good,' because is it good, if 'bad' because it works in us patience, humility, and the contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country.' The expression of gratitude and thanks to God magnifies His majesty and power. As we bring our attention to His sovereignty, whilst still remembering what He has done for us, our faith is stirred up and our hope for what is to come is increased. 
Give thanks daily - write down or tell someone two things you are thankful for at the end of each day. Perhaps make it a regular dinnertime activity. Be determined to develop a spirit of thankfulness and praise.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 36: A Heart of PRAISE - CELEBRATE HIS GRACE

In Old Testament times, there was only one entrance to the tabernacle - the place where one would go to meet with God. Once an Israelite entered the gate into the outer court with his sacrifice he was standing on 'holy ground.' Under the new covenant, Christ is the gate; the 'one way' by which we enter into God's presence. 

The Psalmist reminds us here that it is not the act of walking into a physical building or a gathering of the church that we enter into His presence; rather it is in recognising that Jesus is the only way by which we can come before God. A heart of praise sees the grace of Christ - that by His sacrifice alone we are once again in His presence - and it is in His presence that we are revived and renewed. 
In a place of 'ruins,' we most need the presence of God, yet it is in those very places that we often don't feel like we can come before Him. Remember that it is not by our own efforts that we can stand before Him, but by His grace alone. Instead of being consumed by a list of worries and needs, pause to remember Jesus Christ, and enter into His presence with boldness.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 0 comments

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 35: A Heart of PRAISE - DECLARE JESUS

We've all experienced seasons in life when we have felt that our life - perhaps due to relationships, work or finances - has become overly complicated. Thank God that we can call on the name of Jesus at these times! Unchanging and always present, Jesus' name can simplify life as we lift Him up as the focus of our praise. 

Likewise, sharing our faith does not need to become complicated. The Holy Spirit convicts (John 16:17) and we are released to simply declare Jesus' name by sharing our story and show others that there is a Saviour who deeply loves them and has a plan and purpose for their lives. Make a list of any challenges that you are currently facing. Beside each of them, write the name of Jesus. Begin to praise God, focusing on Jesus and declaring the power of His name over your situation.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 34: A Heart of PRAISE - BE REFRESHED

In Acts 3 we learn that a time of refreshing is the immediate comfort we can expect when we repent and accept Christ as our Saviour. 
Where does this sense of refreshing come from? It comes from being in the presence of the Lord; from His Holy Spirit. Our sins are wiped out and we receive a refreshing from the Lord? This is an incredible and incomprehensible exchange for our sin. Does this mean we repent once and that sense of refreshing is always present? No. In our human nature, we want our actions to follow a genuine heart to change but we will fail. It is crucial for us to continually turn back to God, remember all that He has done for us, and hold onto the anchor of His hope. One way we can do this is to praise God regardless of how we feel emotionally, by bringing what the book of Hebrews calls a 'sacrifice of praise' (Hebrews 13:15). 

As revivalist Thomas Charles of Bala, wrote in 1791 'those who have struck the deepest note of penitence can reach the highest note of praise.' Take a moment to remember when you first met Jesus and the sense of 'refreshing' that came with finding joy in the Lord in the midst your circumstances, past failures and hurt.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 33: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - GIVING

A collective offering and a common cause has always been a powerful force on the earth for building unity and resource takes the church forward. There are numerous biblical examples of just this, ranging from the offering for the tabernacle in the wilderness (Exodus 35), to David's collection for the temple (1 Chronicles 22) right through to the early church (Acts 2:42). 
When we gather together under the one name of Jesus, for His purposes, we can achieve so much more together than we ever could individually and we are even stronger than the sum of our individual parts. 

Today, as one church we are gathering to give collectively that which we have purposed in our heart privately, and set aside prayerfully, in our yearly 'Heart for the House' offering. A sense of shared sacrifice unites us in heart, intention and purpose. Take a moment to commit this day to God personally. Pray also for your fellow believers in Christ, asking God's blessing to be upon them on this significant day.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 32: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - SOCIAL JUSTICE

As a church we are always committed to being an agent of God's justice upon the earth, bringing solution to the poor, needy and disenfranchised. We extend our efforts locally and globally to initiatives and projects that meet the needs of people practically and spiritually, choosing to work through the local church in any area as much as it is possible. Once a year, we highlight a handful of these as the special focus for our annual 'Heart for the House' offering inviting the whole church to combine our effort, make a significant impact and achieve a greater outcome.

This year we are focusing on local missions, CityCare, global and local Church plants, Vision Rescue, the Africa Foundation, the A21 Campaign and the expansion and upgrading of church facilities in Australia. This week, as we lead up to our 'Heart for the House' offering, we would like to encourage you to research these initiatives yourself. Look at their websites and allow God to speak to you about the social justice He desires to bring to each of the situations. Pray for those in need who are the focus of these projects, along with those who serve in these ministries. Together, let's believe God to work through these projects in a miraculous way that brings glory to His name and restoration where there is brokenness.


40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 31: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - A HEART FOR HIS HOUSE

At Hillsong Church we are unashamedly passionate about the House of God. We are convinced that the Bible teaches that God uses the local church to both proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus, and to establish His Kingdom, bringing righteousness and justice to the earth. Hence, one of the standout events in our church calendar each year is our 'Heart for the House' offering weekend, when we bring what we have prayerfully decided to give personally (in accordance with 2 Samuel 24:24) and give it together. 

At the beginning of the year our Senior Pastor Brian Houston explained to the church how God had been speaking to him from Ezra 9, encouraging us that he believed this year would be one of rebuilding, repairing, restoration and release for our church as individuals and corporately. If you have never been a part of our 'Heart for the House' offering before, then we would like to invite you to experience the joy of playing your part in building God's House. If you have, join with us in praying that God would have His way across our services again this weekend. 

To be involved in what we do as a church in helping making Jesus'Name known and practically meeting the needs of those in desperate situations, visit our website here

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 30: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - INVESTING TIME

Every year thousands of people from across the world gather to be inspired, encouraged and glean from our guests and team. There is something powerful about the people of God from across different denominations and countless nations gathering together for one purpose. 
Conference is about our collective here and now, and it is about the future. Taking the time to attend is a sacrifice but an investment. This is your opportunity to be present, to pray, to be empowered, to give and to praise. Across the communities, cities and nations of the earth there are still multitudes in the valleys of decision and despair - many in our own world. 
Hillsong Conference Nights are open to the public at no cost. We are praying and believing for many to come and meet Jesus. Who can you invite and bring along? Setting aside the time, finance and holiday to come to conference is a commitment and devotion to seeking God in this week.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 29: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - A HEART OF SELFLESSNESS

Being selfless - placing other's needs above our own - is not a natural human characteristic. Our natural instinct is to look after ourselves and loved ones first and consider others as a secondary priority. 

In contrast, Jesus' example was one of servant hood. Continually, He served those who were around Him putting aside Himself to prioritize others. 
Take some time today to wander through the gospels (the books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and look for your own examples of Jesus' selflessness, allowing them to challenge you personally. Mark them in some way so that you can be challenged by them at a later time. 

Consider how selflessness and generosity go hand in hand. How can you put your own wants and needs aside to be generous with your love, time, words, skills and gifts? Make a list and highlight three that you can do today to serve someone else.

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 28: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - WHAT'S IN YOUR HAND?

Several years ago Pastor Brian Houston preached an outstanding message about 'Using what's in your hand to establish what's in your heart.' Sports people, business people and others were encouraged that their love for God and desire to serve Him could be outworked in their sphere of influence and were encouraged to excel. It was a mindset-changing message at the time for our church, releasing many people to pursue success in whatever it was that they were gifted in and on whatever platform they had as a result of their gifting and effort and to do it for God's glory! 

Now, many years on it has become second-nature to our church to understand that we each have gifts, passions and 'tools' in our hands that we can use to achieve what it is that God has set in our heart. 

What is in your hand? An instrument, a pen, a paintbrush, a computer, a hammer, a drafting board or a camera? What is it that God has set in your heart? Have you considered the connection between your heart and hand recently? How well are you stewarding both?

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 27: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - PERSONAL DECISION TO 'COUNT THE COST'

Are you prepared to count the cost to see people come to know Christ for the first time? What about to see a passion for Him be awakened in the hearts of believers? Are you prepared to give up your seat, park further away from church, stand in a queue and wait for the service to start? Will you grumble and leave or stay and celebrate? It is one thing for us to say that we long to see an outpouring of the Spirit that leads to many coming to know Christ as their personal Saviour and to find their home in the church. It is another for us to pay a personal cost to our own comfort or routine to make room for others to encounter God. Take a moment to do a little heart check, asking God to reveal areas where you may not yet be willing to pay a personal cost for others' salvation. Allow Him to stretch you in this area.
Thursday, April 3, 2014 0 comments

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 26: Graced with POWER - UNIFIED IN POWER

There is power in gathering together under the name of Jesus. We see this in the early church in Acts. When they gathered the presence of God and the power of His Spirit was evident as they began to speak in tongues, prophesy and preach the Gospel with a Godly confidence.

When the church gathers and experiences a time of awakening and refreshing, it has an overflow effect into homes, workplaces, communities, cities and even nations. Never underestimate the power in gathering and how far reaching what we can achieve together is.

The British preacher Charles H. Spurgeon once said, 'A true revival is to be looked for in the church of God. Only in the river of gracious life can the pearl of revival be found. It has been said that a revival must begin with God's people; this is very true, but it is not all the truth, for the revival itself must end as well as begin there.'
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 0 comments

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 25: Graced with POWER - EMPOWERED TO BEAR FRUIT

One of the most wonderful things about living a life that is led by the Holy Spirit is that we are empowered to bear fruit. That means we can actually expect that the work we put our hand to would achieve good results, be that in business, in our relationships, in our creative pursuits, in our character and even in our efforts to share Jesus. As we see evidence of this and it becomes one of our foundational beliefs, we live with greater confidence and faith.

Psalm 92 is a 'Song for the Sabbath Day.' Make time this weekend to allow it become your own song. Copy verses 12-15 down and put them somewhere visible for the coming days. Choose to have a mindset that expects everything that you put your hand to, to flourish!

