Tuesday, April 8, 2014

40 Days of Revival: Lent Day 29: The Decision to make it PERSONAL - A HEART OF SELFLESSNESS

Being selfless - placing other's needs above our own - is not a natural human characteristic. Our natural instinct is to look after ourselves and loved ones first and consider others as a secondary priority. 

In contrast, Jesus' example was one of servant hood. Continually, He served those who were around Him putting aside Himself to prioritize others. 
Take some time today to wander through the gospels (the books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and look for your own examples of Jesus' selflessness, allowing them to challenge you personally. Mark them in some way so that you can be challenged by them at a later time. 

Consider how selflessness and generosity go hand in hand. How can you put your own wants and needs aside to be generous with your love, time, words, skills and gifts? Make a list and highlight three that you can do today to serve someone else.


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